The summer of 2004 I had the pleasure of working on the launch of the Hispanic Ford Breast Health Awareness program targeting Hispanic women in the United States. I was fortunate enough to lead a three month four city tour disseminating awareness of early detection of the deadly disease breast cancer.
The Ford Breast Health Awareness campaign was kicked-off in Miami on June 24 with spokesperson, author and breast cancer survivor Mayte Prida. This experience was not only professionally fulfilling but also emotionally and personally gratifying. As I traveled the four most important cities in the U.S. promoting early detection with a media relations and community service campaign I realized that this type of philanthropist work was in my future. Even though I cried myself to sleep for many nights because of the heartwarming stories I heard along the San Antonio, Houston and Los Angeles communities, I knew at the end that I would have evolved spiritually more than ever.
The women that touched my life along these three months are women of valor and strength that I could only look up to and thank G-d for letting me see first hand what a painful situation these young mothers, old ladies and women just like me where going through.
As I look back into that summer I can only say that this has been the most gratifying and spiritual professional experience I have encountered yet.
Since this tour, Mayte Prida has crated a foundation called The Mayte Prida Foundation, I am very proud to call Mayte my friend. Please visit her website at: www.themaytepridafoundation.org
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